a creative outlet

I have always been a creative. I would get into in school detention during middle school for drawing comics.

I remember making my first YouTube channel MobiusVideos in 2008 where I filmed me and my friends playing airsoft and skateboarding. Basically a testament to us being neighborhood terrors.

I went on to make fully edited skate videos that I burned straight to DVD using my parents iMac. Later I would delve into making music. After bringing our second son into the world I basically dropped off of creating. I was content for awhile.

A few years ago I had an idea to make a media company. Mostly around playing video games. Inspired mostly by Rooster Teeth. I really just had a cool name in my head and wanted to do something about it.

Grayman Media.

It would go on to just be a unobtainable idea. To much money, not enough time. The same old song and dance. After months of talking to my best friend about needing a creative outlet, and complaining about not having one. My wife finally looked at me and said “Then let’s do it”

Now I was pumped but still not sure where to start (video equipment is expensive guys) I still sat on this idea. During this time my day job had me moving to a different location. One of the people employed at this location was none other then Eric Lynum.

Now during that awesome time in the summer of 2020 Eric started doing a podcast. I was so inspired and loved the content so much, I found my way into my dream. Eric had led me to the door. I just had to open it.I still listen to his show. It’s awesome and at the time of writing this I’ve heard every episode. A lot of them more then once.

I inform Jessica of the cost associated with starting this “creative outlet” up was. She simply replied the same “let’s do it”.I ordered the equipment from sweetwater. I hired @artbrackets to make the logo. June 22nd 2020, Grayman was no longer a goofy dream, but an unknown reality.

With the help of some of the best people I know we built the first show “Thoughts From The Mothership” (side bar, I can’t give enough credit to Nate for that name) We launched the second show “Down To Earth” shortly after.

Suddenly I was finding my passion and seeing potential in what we as a group had created.By November 9th of 2020 we had over 500 plays across our shows. The return on our hard work was being noticed and being consumed.

A year later, we are starting new shows. Breaking into the video format. Selling merchandise and have obtained thousands of plays across all shows and platforms.

It’s hard to believe how far we have come and in celebration of this we launched this website almost exactly on our one year anniversary.We have a lot more we want to do and the team I work with daily on these projects are STARVING to create more.

Hopefully when I write about our 2nd year I can talk about the other creators we have helped along our own journey to bring entertainment to people.

If you made it this far just know you are the type of person that made this last year possible for us.

I love y’all and thanks for reading.


Ps. Drink Liquid Death #deathtoplastic